Publications and Patents

  1. Lovell, T. C.*; Branchaud, B. P.; Jasti, R.* An Organic Chemist’s Guide to Understanding Common and New and Unusual Fluorophores. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2024, 27, e202301196.
  2. Gidi, Y. A.‡; Ramos-Sanchez, J.‡; Lovell, T. C.; Glembockyte, V.; Cheah, I. K.; Schnermann, M. J.; Halliwell, B.; Cosa, G. Superior Photoprotection of Cyanine Dyes with Thio-imidazole Amino Acids. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 19571–19577.
  3. Gidi, Y. A.; Robert, A.; Tordo, A.; Lovell, T. C.; Ramos-Sanchez, J.; Sakaya, A.; Gotte, M.; Cosa, G. Binding and Sliding Dynamics Preceding de novo RNA Replication by the Hepatitis C Virus Polymerase: Hunting the 3’ Terminus. ACS Infect. Dis. 2023, 9, 1488–1498.
  4. Lincoln, R.‡; Zhang, W.‡; Lovell, T. C.; Jodko-Piórecka, K.; Devlaminck, P. A.; Sakaya, A.; Van Kassel, A.; Cosa, G. Chemically Tuned, Reversible Fluorogenic Electrophile for Live Cell Nanoscopy. ACS Sens. 2022, 7, 166–174.
  5. Lovell, T. C.; Bolton, S. G.; Kenison, J. P.; Shangguan, J.; Otteson, C. E.; Civitci, F.; Nan, X.; Pluth, M. D.; Jasti, R. Biocompatible, subcellular targeted nanohoop for one- and two-photon live cell imaging. ACS Nano 2021, 15, 15285–15293.
  6. Lovell, T. C.; Fosnacht, K. G.; Colwell, C. E.; Jasti, R. Effect of Curvature and Placement of Donor and Acceptor Units in Cycloparaphenylenes: A Computational Study. Chem. Sci. 2020, 11, 12029-12035.
  7. - Highlighted as part of 2020 Chemical Science HOT Article Collection
  8. Lovell, T. C.; Garrison, Z. R.; Jasti, R. Synthesis, Characterization and Computational Investigation of Bright Orange-emitting Benzothiadiazole [10]Cycloparaphenylene. Angew. Chem. 2020, 59, 14363-14367.
  9. Schaub, T. A.;* Prantl, E.; Kohn, J.; Marshall, C.; Leonhard, E. J.; Lovell, T. C.; Zakharov, L.; Brozek, C.; Waldvogel, S.; Grimme, S.; Jasti, R. Exploration of the Solid-State Sorption Properties of Shape-Persistent Macrocyclic Nanocarbons as Bulk Materials and Small Aggregates. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 8763–8775.
  10. Lovell, T. C.‡; Colwell, C. E. ‡; Zakharov, L. N.; Jasti, R. Symmetry Breaking and the Turn-on Fluorescence of Small, Highly Strained Carbon Nanohoops. Chem. Sci. 2019, 10, 3786-3790.
  11. Jasti, R.; Branchaud, B. P.; White, B.; Lovell, T.; Colwell, C. Nanohoop Compounds for use in Biotechnology and Methods of Making and Using the Same. U.S. 20190025315, January 24, 2019.