EDI efforts

Lab code of conduct
The Lovell lab fosters an environment free from harassment where members can express themselves without fear. We are committed to ensuring all members are respected and treated fairly. This code of conduct defines our expectations for behavior in a lab environment. As a lab, we will regularly discuss and revise this code to reflect our priorities.

  • Be professional. All lab members deserve equal respect and recognition. Everyone, regardless of experience level, brings valuable insights to the table. Professional conduct at work includes:
    • Showing up at a reasonable time
    • Not gossiping about personal lives of lab members
    • Keeping personal and communal space clean
    • Following safety procedures
    • Treating equipment with respect
    • Accept responsibility for your mistakes
  • Learning is a priority. Helping others in the lab is encouraged. Collaboration within the lab and with other members of the scientific community enriches everyone’s experiences; be open to suggestions. All questions are good questions.
  • Respectful communication. Exclusionary comments, jokes, threats, and violent language are not acceptable. Do not address others in an angry, intimidating, or demeaning manner. Be considerate of the ways the words you choose may impact others. Offensive behaviour or comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, mental illness, physical appearance, body size, age, race, ethnicity, religion, or a person’s lifestyle choices and practices are not welcome in the Lovell Lab.
  • Harassment is not tolerated. This includes unwanted physical, sexual or repeated social contact. Consent is not implied, and if you are unsure whether your behaviour towards another person is welcome, ask them. If someone tells you to stop, do so promptly. Respect the privacy and safety of others. Do not take photographs of others without their permission.
  • Promote inclusive participation. In group meetings, keep comments succinct to allow engagement by all participants. Do not interrupt others based on disagreement; hold such comments until they have finished speaking. Be considerate of familial obligations, religious observances etc.
  • Gently enforce the Code of Conduct. If you believe a situation requires further intervention, please feel welcome to approach Prof. Lovell or a member of human resources.