Welcome to the Lovell Lab at the University of Ottawa

Organic synthesis and super-resolution microscopy.

Innovations in Photostable Fluorophores and Novel Super-Resolution Techniques

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Strategic fluorophore design and development of fluorescence analysis tool to efficiently realize novel, bright fluorophores.

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Explore and develop unique fluorophores and nanomaterials with theranostic applications.

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Evaluate new fluorophores for single-molecule fluorescence microscopy and establish new super-resolution methods with unmet signal-to-background ratio.

Professor Lovell

Prof. Lovell specializes in design, construction, and utilization of fluorophores. She obtained her MSc in polymer science at the University of Oregon. She decided to pursue her PhD (2020) in organic chemistry from the University of Oregon under the mentorship of Prof. Ramesh Jasti. Following this she did an NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship with Prof. Gonzalo Cosa in super-resolution microscopy.

Latest Publications

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